Oil Patch Collage Mural

Sugar Plum Antiques Building
305 E Broadway St
Drumright, OK 74030

Oil Patch Collage Mural

Sugar Plum Antiques Building
305 E Broadway St
Drumright, OK 74030

Palmer Studios created a mural that celebrates the oil industry that left behind a legacy in Drumright. Palmer Studios relied on townspeople’s photographs to piece this “Oil Patch Collage” mural together. June Blackwell shared a photograph of a shotgun house her grandfather built, which appears in the left corner of the mural. Blackwell’s grandmother and mother can even be seen in the painted doorway of the shotgun house. Dona Smith gifted a photo of horses pulling pipe up Tiger Hill, as depicted in this mural. Palmer Studios even recreated the pumping unit and wood circulating tank on Phil & Melanie Osterhout’s land as part of this Drumright oil industry mural.


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