International Archaeology Day Celebration
18154 1st St
International Archaeology Day Celebration
Celebrate Archaeology Month in October with a trip to Spiro Mounds Archaeological Center, the only prehistoric American Indian archaeological site in Oklahoma open to the public. Bring the whole family to enjoy a day full of informative, interactive activities around this prehistoric site, including a lecture, guided walk and many other events.
Lectures about the prehistory and history of this region will start at 11am. There also will be a guided tour of the site at 2pm led by manager Dennis Peterson. Regular exhibits will be available throughout the day as well. Several expert flint knappers, or stone tool makers, will be on hand to show off their skills from 10am to 4pm, and an archaeologist will be available to identify artifact collections for visitors during that same time. Be sure to participate in educational games and other activities throughout this fun-filled day for all ages.
Admission (cash or check only):Adults; $7
Seniors: $5
Children (age 6-8): $4
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the pricing listed above, prices are subject to change without notice.