OKFreewheel Fandango

Sequoyah State Park
19808 Park 10
Hulbert, OK 74441
The most recent event date has passed. Check back for updates.

OKFreewheel Fandango

Sequoyah State Park
19808 Park 10
Hulbert, OK 74441

OK Freewheel Fandango is a three-day bicycle event at Sequoyah State Park that is packed full of adventure, food, music and fun. This exciting event typically offers two road and two gravel route options on Friday and Saturday, and one road and one gravel option on Sunday. The short route options are around 30 miles and the long route options are approximately 60 miles. Gather for the potluck meal on Friday evening, then come together again Saturday evening for a live musical performance from Kyle Dillingham. Enjoy a relaxing weekend of riding at your own pace through beautiful scenery in Oklahoma.



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